Did we forget to remember? How much trust in ourselves and nature have we abandoned for what we consider more modern, reliable solutions? Ancient herbal remedies that nourish the normal structure and function of the body have been replaced by Pharmacology which creates, in many cases, “side effects” which add accumulative layers of stress and dis-ease.

What is not complete about Mother’s Milk that allows a food conglomerate to make statements claiming that canned, artificial products are superior substitutes for a mother’s inherent sustenance for her newborn?

What sensory perceptions have we denied when we accept a commercially grown, good looking tomato for those full of flavor and nutrients grown by local farmer or ourselves?

What manipulation of our crops have been forced upon us as we consume grains that have been shown to cause gut and brain permeability that leads to digestive upset, pandemic brain and genetic disorders suffered by the young (ADHD) and old alike (Alzheimer’s)?

What caused us to begin to ignore self-healings such prayer, food, meditation, song, dance, potions, music, laying-on-of-hands, incantations, sand paintings, mud baths, blessed water…and turn to strangers who think they have a right to dishonestly report experimental results to convince us to trust them even though their first and foremost goal is financial gain; profit?

When did the goal of better health become the fodder of greed where the goal was to “harvest” our pockets; leaving well being adrift? Many people have begun to believe that the ultimate objective of our modern-day health care system is our entry into an artificial health care scheme that keeps us tethered until we have run out of money or the will to live. Where does the goal of optimal health and wellness fit into the modern business system? How can we move HEALTH to the top of the priority list of our present-day disease management?

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